
Nature Will Take Its Course

The illusion of choice

A day is wasted when one compromises.

Yesterday, was a wasted day.

What leads one to compromise is his greatest attachments.

Family being among the most unthinkable.

Unthinkable because the world hems and haws and guilts and vilifies.

Read the rest “Nature Will Take Its Course”


Fallen Ash

The moment becomes the memory

The words came to me last night, and I find it difficult to recall. I’ve lost access to that place — that window through which I saw the truth.

To force yourself upon something is to destroy it.

Read the rest “Fallen Ash”


A Foxhole of Truth

Warring with ego

I lie here confused by my own thoughts.

But am I really confused?

Perhaps I am simply appalled by my own ego.

Annoyed is perhaps the better word.

Annoyed, because even in seeing the futility of such a thing, it persists.

Read the rest “A Foxhole of Truth”


On Truth and God

Ocean of truth

I come now, having pulled the string from my teeth.

Arriving at the shore, drenched, and covered in sand.

“The truth is God,” he said.

But who said?

And where did I come from?

The underworld is full of lies, and being thrust from it leaves one exquisitely disarrayed.

Read the rest “On Truth and God”


There Is No Path

No yellow brick road to follow

Not every connection can be explained.

This is when you know it’s yours.

The more unexplainable it is, the more personal it is to you.

I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but in a way, this is your “Godhood”.

Read the rest “There Is No Path”


Haven’t You Had Enough?

Ready for change

Enough of living a half-life.

Enough of living in a chemically induced stupor.

Enough of living in an uninspired state.

Enough of wasting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Enough of shoveling money into your empty voids.

Enough of being thrashed around by the involuntary thoughts in your mind.

Read the rest “Haven’t You Had Enough?”


The Muse

It has a will of its own

The Muse has always had your back.

But you haven’t always had its.

And though it won’t hold a grudge, it’s likely hidden itself away.

For it was banished from your false kingdom long ago.

Read the rest “The Muse”