Automatic Writings

Feet of Clay

Society of lies

It’s about independence. It’s about sovereignty. It’s about ruthlessness. It’s about peace. It’s about suffering. It’s about truth. It’s about lies. It’s about, I don’t need you to know what it’s about. It’s about–none of this. I don’t–do you know what it’s about?

What is “it”? Who are you? Why are you here?

It’s about giving up. It’s about never-giving-up. It’s about strength. It’s about the opposite. It’s about me. It’s about you. It’s about neither. It’s about Enlightenment. It’s about Despair. It’s about imagining things to be worse than they are. It’s about pretending things aren’t as bad as they are. Better than they are. What are they? What, who, are you–are you they?

It’s about taking risks. It’s about risk management. It’s about the money and the women. It’s about the toys and the time. It’s about the journey and the climb. It’s about results. It’s about being left alone. It’s about the fear of loneliness. It’s about not needing success. It’s always about success. I don’t know what–success, What?

It’s about, being your own man. It’s about, being your own woman. It’s about, having someone to rely on. It’s about, being there for each other. It’s about, every-man-for-himself. It’s about, the guts the glory. It’s about the gains, bro. It’s about the vibes, man. It’s about the seriousness young siddha. It’s about not-being-too-serious. You’re too serious, man. It’s about–taking life very seriously?

It’s about world travel. It’s about building a home. It’s about the material things. It’s about the spiritual. It’s about you and me, me and you, who is we, I am you?

It’s about, if you’re staring so long why don’t you just take a picture. It’s about–why did you just take my picture?

It’s about what he said to me about her. It’s about what she said and some girl named Shelly down by the sea shore.

It’s about none of this. And it’s about all of this. It’s about, running out of things to say what it’s about. It’s about the impossibility of running out of things to say.

It it about, becoming a Legend?

Is it about, being a Humble Man?

Is it about, your own personal peace?

Is it about, changing the world and helping people?


Don’t tell me what it’s about.

Do you care what it’s about?

Do you really want me to tell you what it’s about?

Does anybody know what it’s about?

I told you already, I don’t know what it’s about.

What do you want from me?

You said it’s about the friends. You said it’s about the family. You said it’s about the body-mind. You said it’s about a man named Ethan Klein. You said it’s about (being refined) and, quality swine (soooowee!). You said it’s about the V8’s and, bored apes? You said it’s about six-pack-abs. You said it’s about being well known. You said it’s about being a No-One.

You said a whole lot of things.

I said a whole lot of things.

Has anybody figured out what it’s about yet?